Prey (2022) stars Amber Midthunder as Naru, an aspiring warrior and defender of her Comanche tribe, and Dan DiLiegro as the Predator, and is directed by Dan Trachtenberg. The film is the fifth and newest installment in the Predator franchise and serves as a prequel to the iconic original movie Predator (1987), changing the setting to the Northern Great Plains in North America in 1719.
Since its release on the streaming platform Hulu, Prey has been met with enthusiastic reviews from both fans and critics alike. The 99-minute runtime makes Prey a very easy film for almost anyone to be able to sit down and watch. Even though it’s a prequel to a franchise that’s been around since the late 1980s, Prey has a very low barrier of entry, which allows newer fans to easily enjoy it without knowing all the history yet still rewarding and giving back to fans of the original.
From my own personal viewing experience, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie from start to finish. One of the strongest aspects of this film is its pacing. With stunning visuals and nonstop jaw-dropping action, on top of a gripping and genuinely unique story that manages to keep you emotionally invested for the full runtime, the ever-present predator/prey dynamic between Naru and the Predator itself is constantly evolving throughout the course of the film and is one of the most entertaining themes of the movie.
In terms of action, the film certainly has no shortage. Hardcore fans of the original and casual moviegoers alike are sure to be left satisfied by some of the absolutely thrilling action sequences that harken back to the roots of what this franchise was originally known for.
Truly, what makes this movie so special is how much passion was clearly put into it; it manages to pay homage to the original while also being a breath of fresh air in a franchise that desperately needed it. Prey is an excellent installment in the Predator franchise that both the most passionate fans of the original film and completely new viewers can all find something to enjoy.
Prey is now available on Hulu.
Photo Credit/20th Century Studios